Part 1: Intro to Beekeeping

Описание к видео Part 1: Intro to Beekeeping

Keeping honey bees is an ancient craft. Modern beekeeping uses different equipment, but honey bees have not changed. One simple but essential discovery transformed beekeeping and led to the contemporary era of beekeeping.

0:00 – Why keep honey bees?
3:46 – Brief history of beekeeping
5:31 – Ancient beekeeping
10:43 – Medieval beekeeping
12:11 – Honey Bees in the New World
14:03 – The Importance of “Bee Space”
17:20 – the Modern Moveable Frame Hive

For more information on Bee Keeping, visit:
For a printable handout, visit:
#Arkansas #Extension #HoneyBee


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