This is the best root puller for trees and shrubs.

Описание к видео This is the best root puller for trees and shrubs.

This is the best root puller for trees and shrubs,which you can make with your own hands
If you move the lever to the second hole,
you can pull trees up to five inches in diameter.
☑ Weed killer -
📌 Download drawings of the uprooter -
I made one a year ago. It uproots trees in a minute and leaves no holes.
You can download the blueprints in the description below the video.Print them out on a printer. Glue them to the metal.
See the process of assembling and testing the tree-hugger in this video.
Where there are larger trees, I recommend putting a board underneath.
That's all for now, folks. Thanks for watching.
I will answer any questions in the comments.
Now you know why this is the best root puller for trees and shrubs,which you can make with your own hands
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Useful homemade gardening tool
The video was prepared for you by the author of the YouTube channel DIY CHECK


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