Carson Celebrates Rodney Dangerfield’s 51st Birthday (1972)

Описание к видео Carson Celebrates Rodney Dangerfield’s 51st Birthday (1972)

After Rodney’s stand-up set, Johnny and Ed surprise him with a birthday cake. But be careful what you wish for. Give me the cake! Originally aired November 22, 1972 on the Tonight Show.

1:05 “One time I was drowning. I was yelling, ‘Help! Help!’ A lifeguard came over, said ‘Alright, keep it down! Keep it down!’”
1:53 “When I was a kid, eight years old, my parents sent me to a child psychiatrist. I went for a year and a half. The kid didn't help me at all.”
2:26 “My dentist, that's another beauty. It cost me $5,000 to get all new teeth put in. Now he tells me, you need braces.”

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