GoTo Financial’s Story: Towards 10k ArgoCD Apps to Support Bi... Yudi Andrean Phanama & Giri Kuncoro

Описание к видео GoTo Financial’s Story: Towards 10k ArgoCD Apps to Support Bi... Yudi Andrean Phanama & Giri Kuncoro

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GoTo Financial’s Story: Towards 10k ArgoCD Apps to Support Billions of $ Transactions - Yudi Andrean Phanama & Giri Kuncoro, GoTo Financial

Are you facing the challenge of managing a growing number of ArgoCD apps? But, you don’t want the headache of maintaining decentralized ArgoCD instances? Look no further! This talk will dive into scalability challenges faced by GoTo Financial, one of the largest financial companies in South East Asia, managing apps delivery through centralized ArgoCD (with ~40 Istio-enabled clusters, ~10k apps, ~5k repositories) and working with Argo community to address them. GoTo Financial uses ArgoCD to deliver thousands of HTTP/gRPC services, configuring Istio objects for canary rollout, managing various routing patterns, and many other Istio superpowers. From this talk, the audience will learn how to manage such use cases using ArgoCD, fine-tune centralized ArgoCD problem after problem, learning impact on each tuning parameters (reconcile time, workqueue depth, CPU usage), and using undocumented features to optimize ArgoCD controller shards.


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