SF6 Meter Build Round Ender Guide - Doing Unoptimal Combos and Scaling Them, Using DIs, Throws

Описание к видео SF6 Meter Build Round Ender Guide - Doing Unoptimal Combos and Scaling Them, Using DIs, Throws

Still don't see enough people utilize this stuff, even often at high level. Knowing which move to use (throw, DI+throw, DI+combo) or using unoptimal combos to scale them can build you so much bar.

The Luke 4HP I got the idea from watching modern Lukes who don't have access to 4HK, I realized that in a way that can be a good thing because you basically add more hits to the combo. The same applies with other characters, you really just have to experiment. But if anything, using DI helps immensely.

The only thing is making sure not to it if your super is full, and also making sure that you don't scale it so much you actually don't kill and are forced to use lvl1. You really need a good eye.


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