Kaan se pani aana । 7 causes of ear discharge । कान बहने के कारण । Dr. Rajive Bhatia । Hindi

Описание к видео Kaan se pani aana । 7 causes of ear discharge । कान बहने के कारण । Dr. Rajive Bhatia । Hindi

कान से पानी क्यों निकलता है?
इस वीडियो में भाटिया ईएनटी क्लीनिक एंड हियरिंग केयर सेंटर नई दिल्ली के डॉक्टर राजीव भाटिया इसके 7 कारण बता रहे हैं। वे ये भी बता रहे हैं कि ‘कान का बहना’ स्थिति में कब नाक कान गले के डॉक्टर की सलाह जरूरी पड़ जाती है।
Dr. Rajive Bhatia of Bhatia ENT Clinic and Hearing Care Centre, New Delhi tells us about 7 causes of ‘water from ears’. This video about ear discharge in Hindi also covers the situations in which ENT consultation is necessary for discharging ear.

For appointments for Ear problems, hearing test (Audiogram) and hearing aids, Nose diseases, sinus problems, Throat and voice problems please call 011 42316580 between 5.30p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. You can also email us at: [email protected] . Clinic address - Bhatia ENT Clinic and Hearing Care Centre, B-1 Market, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110063.

1. कान का बहना । Ear discharge due to middle ear infection । Hindi
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3.कान में कुछ चले जाना। When your child has an object in the ear। Hindi । Dr Rajive Bhatia
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4. कान की सफाई : ई एन टी सर्जन की सलाह । Clean your ears? | Dr Rajive Bhatia
   • कान की सफाई : ई एन टी सर्जन की सलाह ।...  
5. How to remove water from your ear । कान में पानी जाना : ENT सर्जन की सलाह। Hindi
   • How to remove water from your ear । क...  
6. Ear : Problems and care - Playlist
   • Ear : Problems and care  

If you are interested in ENT problems, hearing disorders and hearing aids, please subscribe to our channel by clicking this link https://youtube.com/c/BhatiaENTClinic...
Disclaimer: The content in this video is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it.


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