Goldilocks Project Part 2: Dresden Face

Описание к видео Goldilocks Project Part 2: Dresden Face

The Goldilocks Project is my effort to ski three Wasatch classics (Monte Cristo, Dresden Face, Lone Peak's NE Couloir) that eluded me during the 2023 season because they require very specific conditions that rarely materialize. As Goldilocks would say, conditions for accessing and skiing these lines need to be "not too hot, not too cold, just right!" In 2023 I made attempts on all three but bailed due to concerns about snow stability. In early March 2024, after waiting over a year, favorable conditions appeared and I was able to ski all of them over a 4-day period. Thanks to Bobby Brooks, Parker Holmes, Sam Carnahan, and Brendan Nicholson for joining me on this adventure, and to Jeremy Page who was there for most of the recon & scheming.

Dresden Face is the central line on Thunder Ridge, which features five world-class ski descents. I was able to ski the other four during 2023, and I spent so much time on Thunder Ridge that skiing Dresden to complete the puzzle became an obsession. But skiing Dresden involves weaving around various cliff bands, and I had seen firsthand how the snow on the face heats up and avalanches over the cliffs. I wanted the perfect day for Dresden, and finally got it. It was worth the wait. Watch until the end if you're interested in learning how to cross a river on skis ;)

Music: Rüfüs Du Sol, "Alive"


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