✅Day 52 | LeetCode 201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range

Описание к видео ✅Day 52 | LeetCode 201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range

🌟 Welcome to the Leetcode Daily Challenge Solution! 🚀

Prepare for an intriguing exploration through the realm of bitwise operations and numerical analysis as we tackle the task of finding the bitwise AND of all numbers in a given range. Brace yourself for an adventure through algorithmic ingenuity and bitwise manipulation mastery.

🎯 Problem Overview:

Our mission is to compute the bitwise AND of all integers in the range from 'left' to 'right', inclusive. We aim to devise an algorithm that efficiently computes and returns this bitwise AND value.

🚀 Algorithm Breakdown:

Initialize a variable 'cnt' to track the number of right shifts needed to make 'left' equal to 'right'.
Iterate through the range from 'left' to 'right' while 'left' is not equal to 'right':
Right shift 'left' and 'right' by 1 bit each.
Increment 'cnt' to keep track of the number of right shifts performed.
After the loop, 'left' holds the common prefix of 'left' and 'right'. Left shift 'left' by 'cnt' bits to obtain the final result, which is the bitwise AND of all numbers in the range.
📊 Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity: O(log n) - The number of iterations in the loop is determined by the number of bits required to represent 'left' or 'right'.
Space Complexity: O(1) - Constant space is used for variables.

Delve into the intricacies of bitwise manipulation and algorithmic logic as we unravel the solution together! Feel empowered to explore, modify, and deepen your understanding of efficient strategies for computing the bitwise AND of all integers in a given range. 🔗✨

Tags: #leetcode #leetcodedailychallenge #leetcodesolutions #dailyvlog #algorithmexplained #codingtutorial #programminglogic #codingchallenge #algorithm #bitwiseoperations #numericalanalysis #rangebitwiseand


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