League of Legends Troll Spotlight: Ashe (a Champion Spotlight Parody)

Описание к видео League of Legends Troll Spotlight: Ashe (a Champion Spotlight Parody)

Hello League of Legends fan, and welcome to the Troll spotlight, a series of videos I have created similar to the format of Riot's own Champion Spotlights just with more jokes, more swearing, and a lot more trolltastic moments.

Today, we jungle and support with the bitch, a double role edition for an extra special occasion :D Thank you so much for all the support!

If any of you have constructive criticism, it is welcomed.
In any case, Rate, comment, Subscribe!

Troll, Win, Fail, Epic, Talon, vayne, Rengar, Kayle, Chogath, Kassadin, Zed, irelia, TF, Jarvin, Janna, Sivir, Ezreal, Pantheon, Shyvana, Blitzcrank, teemo, evelynn, fun, laughs, LOL, 3150 ip, 1350 ip, Hero, MOBA,, flash, summoner's rift, death, q w e r, trap, wraiths, sight, 5 vs 5, spoof, lucky, laugh, humor, feed, win


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