উফ্ মিরিকের মধ্যেই যেন এক টুকরো স্বর্গ | Indo Nepal Flower Valley |

Описание к видео উফ্ মিরিকের মধ্যেই যেন এক টুকরো স্বর্গ | Indo Nepal Flower Valley |

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Gufapatal View Point is a hidden gem nestled along the border regions of India and Nepal. It offers breathtaking landscapes and a 360-degree view of the majestic Kanchenjunga mountain range.Gufapatal remains relatively undiscovered by mainstream tourists, making it an offbeat adventure destination.The village offers eco-friendly accommodations, blending harmoniously with nature. Rudraa’s Eco Hut, for instance, provides a serene escape from city life.In ancient times, Buddhist sannyasis (ascetics) would come to Gufapatal for meditation and spiritual practices.For those seeking a serene escape, Gufapatal offers clear views of the sunrise and sunset.

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