Time Crisis playthrough (Playstation) (1CC)

Описание к видео Time Crisis playthrough (Playstation) (1CC)

Playthrough of story mode. The Playstation port of Time Crisis contains the arcade game along with a new "special" mode which features a new set of levels which had never been seen before.

This is also the toughest game in the series to beat, in my opinion. Unlike in some of the other games you only have 3 lives instead of 4, so you've only got 2 chances to screw up.

This is also the only game where it is an actual time crisis -in later games in the series, every time you moved you got your time filled up to max. This isn't the case in the first game -you just get a bit of time added on instead.

So accurate and extremely fast shooting is required to do a one credit clear, which leads to the next problem. The bullet hit detection in this port doesn't seem to be that great -there are instances where I think I'm clearly hitting an enemy but it just doesn't register. I've never had the chance to play the arcade version of this game, I've heard it doesn't feature this problem though.

The other major thing that makes this game hard is the fact that you've got no idea if an enemy bullet is going to hit you or not. Sometimes it's clear, as the guys in red will always hit you. But for a lot of the enemies you just don't know. Popping out of cover, firing a single shot, then going back into cover and repeating this is how I played it, and it worked -mostly.

To be honest this playthrough went way too well for my liking, as I'd usually take at least 1 hit before getting to Wild Dog. So when I got hit by him once, I apparently liked it so much I got shot by him again just seconds later. Thankfully he was nearly dead and I didn't take any more hits.


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