Fishing The Jefferson Street Pier (Port Clinton, Ohio)

Описание к видео Fishing The Jefferson Street Pier (Port Clinton, Ohio)

This whole year I've been on a roll with collecting Fish Ohio species. One of my first entries of each year usually happens to be Freshwater Drum, but up until today I hadn't caught any that qualified. I saw on a few fishing pages of folks catching some rather large Freshwater Drum on Crawfish. So I decided I would stop by Anglers Supplies in Fremont, Ohio and pick up some live Crawfish. I then headed to the one place I knew I would almost be guaranteed to land a Fish Ohio worthy Freshwater Drum and that place was the mouth of the Portage River in Port Clinton, Ohio. Sure enough I caught my 6th Fish Ohio species of the year, a 25.50 inch Freshwater Drum, let's go!


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