4K|離海最近的火車站~基隆八斗子車站 The Keelung Badouzi Train Station closest to the sea | 望海巷海灘 Wanghai Lane Beach

Описание к видео 4K|離海最近的火車站~基隆八斗子車站 The Keelung Badouzi Train Station closest to the sea | 望海巷海灘 Wanghai Lane Beach


位於深澳支線 - 八斗子火車站與深澳火車站之間,早期深澳線在日治時期是一條軌距762公厘的輕便鐵路,也就是俗稱的「五分仔車」,主要是用於載運糖、鹽及煤至港口轉運出海,如今搖身一變為全台獨有的海景鐵道自行車道,全長1.3公里,單趟騎乘時間約20分鐘,沿途有著山海的景觀相伴,行經民宅區時,還可以與融合在地特色的彩繪民宅拍照,欣賞由八斗子的海洋風格圖案,穿過燈光點綴的神秘隧道,彷彿進入時光隧道中。



Keelung's Badouzi Train Station is known for its beauty, similar to many other stations in northern Taiwan. The train station platform is situated right by the coastline, measuring 80 meters in length and 4 meters in width. What sets it apart is the absence of station attendants, gates, or any obstructing buildings.

Exiting the train station and crossing the road will lead you to the "Wanghai Lane Beach," which is adjacent to an ecological conservation area. It is an excellent location for activities such as diving and exploring the underwater world. Here, you can engage in various water activities, including diving, stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), and snorkeling. You can also enjoy breathtaking views of the Elephant Trunk Rock, with its ever-changing beauty from sunrise to sunset.

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00:00 基隆八斗子車站 The Keelung Badouzi Train Station
04:05 深澳鐵道自行車-八斗子站 Shenao Railway Bike - Badouzi Station
16:30 望海巷海灘 Wanghai Lane Beach

Camera: gopro hero 11 5.3k 60fps


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