The New Beheeyem! Mienshao Deck Profile / Analysis (PTCGO Gameplay) (TEU - BST)

Описание к видео The New Beheeyem! Mienshao Deck Profile / Analysis (PTCGO Gameplay) (TEU - BST)

Beheeyem was a fun deck. Now we have mienshao. Can decks like these still compete? Let's find out!

0:00 Intro
7:05 Game 1 vs ADPZ
12:23 Game 2 vs Victini VMAX

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I want to thank all of you who are watching this for making this possible. You guys are the real inspiration and why I do this :)

Music Used in videos now credit goes to: GlitchxCity:    / glitchxcity​​​  


***** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List *****

##Pokémon - 22

3 Pidgey TEU 122
2 Swablu CPA 48
2 Altaria CPA 49
2 Pidgeotto TEU 123
4 Mienfoo BST 76
4 Mienshao BST 77
1 Mew PR-SM 215
1 Oricorio-GX CEC 95
2 Remoraid BST 36
1 Octillery PR-SW 89

##Trainer Cards - 34

1 Korrina's Focus BST 174
2 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189
2 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
2 Evolution Incense SSH 163
2 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
1 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
1 Air Balloon SSH 156
1 Boss's Orders SHF 58
3 Professor's Research SHF 60
4 Lillie's Poké Doll CEC 267
4 Marnie SSH 169
3 U-Turn Board UNM 211
4 Level Ball NXD 89

##Energy - 4

4 Rapid Strike Energy BST 140

Total Cards - 60

***** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online *****


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