what happens when your CPU has a bug? (GhostWrite)

Описание к видео what happens when your CPU has a bug? (GhostWrite)

What happens when you have a bug in your CPU? Today we are looking at GhostWrite, a RISC-V vulnerability affecting multiple CPU vendors, particuarly related to the vector instructions.

Using some PoC code, we'll crash the system, modify a process, and even read arbitrary memory! You can even try this yourself with my provided code + the right board.

We'll also take a look at how the CISPA researchers discovered this vulnerability via Differential Fuzzing; a fairly new technique in the CPU space.


PoC Code Repo:


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00:00 Intro
00:50 Classes of Vulnerability
01:52 Differential Fuzzing
03:39 Trigger System Crash
04:55 Docker Isolation (Fail!)
05:44 Manipulating Processes
06:51 Reading Arbitrary Memory
07:58 Mitigation + Conclusion


Resources on GhostWrite:

Original Paper:

RISC-V Vector Overview:
   • The Magic of RISC-V Vector Processing  

Memory Paging Overview:
   • How a Clever 1960s Memory Trick Chang...  


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