Is it a Gold Medal Buck?? Shooting deer off sticks

Описание к видео Is it a Gold Medal Buck?? Shooting deer off sticks

We’re back on the sticks with the thermal recharged, ready to start controlling those numbers on some recently requested land that has very high numbers of deer populating it.

The evening started with a brief scoping of the area and land to see what was about, this helps give us an initial advantage and time to make a decision on best strategy. As you can see there are plenty of deer about, Bucks and Does spotted across a large area and we also got the pleasure of seeing a Doe with twins settling in for the night.

We took to foot and it wasn’t long before we crossed paths with a Buck coming towards us. The shot was taken and one deer down. After we returned to the vehicle, we then took off to another field where we spotted a young Buck and a Doe. This wasn’t an easy approach due to Pheasants and the crunching of recently cut rape to walk on but thankfully the Buck was otherwise occupied. We spotted him just behind some foliage and the shot was taken again. Upon locating the Buck, we then stumbled onto another 2 deer, one doe and one Buck. The shot taken and that made three for the bag.

It was a very successful night and the second Buck is quite possible one of the nicest taken so far, possible a Gold Medal?? It would be nice if it was.

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