WAW Melbourne - Sep 23rd 2020

Описание к видео WAW Melbourne - Sep 23rd 2020

WAW (Web Analytics Wednesday) is Melbourne (Australia)'s contribution to this worldwide meetup. Been going strong in Melbourne for 5/6 years and we discuss various web analytics and related topics - usually over a beer at Loop Bar, but currently in lockdown...

Talk 1: Sarah Crooke
The Journey to the Optimisation Loop - Sarah will share with you some tips on how she has gotten companies interested in AB testing, and gotten them to the point where the test measure learn loop is an integral part of the development process. Including a live demo of Google Optimize to show some ways to make your tests more dynamic.

Talk 2: Anshu Bantra
Data Analytics - Tips and Tricks using Excel - Anshu is a Senior Data Analyst working for Commercial Passenger Vehicles and has extensive experience utilising various tools and techniques to build efficiencies, measures and insights in Data Analytics.
When Anshu isn’t busy playing with data he loves spending time with his family and cooking. One of his favourite dishes is Biryani.


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