Building a Content Studio Business 1st Week Recap

Описание к видео Building a Content Studio Business 1st Week Recap

The 1st seven days recap of daily livestream progress to starting a Content Studio Business in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I began the series with my backstory and my reasons why I am starting a content creator studio.

Please note this is an extremely condensed recap of the week so far. If you want to see all the behind-the-scenes details please watch the daily livestream videos that show my entire process through this entire 90-day challenge.

In the first week, I completed detailing my Business Concept and done comprehensive Market Research into local Content Studios in Broward County, Florida.

In addition, while laying my Business Foundation, we wrote our Mission and Vision Statements with help from Google's AI Tool Gemini to help compose a clear and concise message.

I used this verbiage to write a solid "About" statement to be used across all of my Marketing properties, including my Website and Social Media for the soon-to-be-determined Brand.

I also shared the review of each of my local competitors including their websites and social profiles I could access. I looked at their location, niche, pricing, additional offerings, and how I could differentiate myself in the market in South Florida.

I hope my documenting this process helps you on your journey as well my friends! Here's to continually failing forward! :)
00:00 Introduction
03:21 Competition
11:06 Market Research
13:40 Business Concept
16:05 Analyzing the Competition
26:27 Vision & Mission
29:06 About
35:37 Company Culture


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