Creating Email Alerts From Saved Searches - A NetSuite Behind The Screens Tutorial

Описание к видео Creating Email Alerts From Saved Searches - A NetSuite Behind The Screens Tutorial

BSP's Michael Sullivan provides a comprehensive view of the process for creating Email Alerts from Saved Searches in this 12 Minute NetSuite Tutorial.

Email Alerts can be a very useful tool, yet they're often overlooked when developing new processes. NetSuite makes it very easy to include notifications and alerts in your workflows, ensuring that you've got the information you need, when you need it, at your fingertips. In this short video, we will detail how to create a Saved Search, and receive an Email Alert, when something that shouldn't be happening is...

In this example, we're surfacing a partially shipped order, and bringing this status to the attention of the stakeholders who would want to address this deficiency.


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