Write the pronunciation of Korean numbers 1 to 99 (Native Korean number 서수)

Описание к видео Write the pronunciation of Korean numbers 1 to 99 (Native Korean number 서수)

This is Korean Native Numbers.
The Korean language uses 2 different numbering systems - Sino-Korean & Native Korean.

'1 2 3 4 5, … … ' is read differently depending on the meaning of the number.
When indicating the number, it should be read as "one, two, three, ...",
and when indicating the order, it should be read as "first, second, third, ..." or "one, two, three, ...".
In this case, the number representing the number is called the cardinal number(Sino number 기수),
and the number representing the order is called the ordinal number(=Native number 서수).
This video is Native Numbers.

*For reference, Native number 100 is read as 'baeg' just like Sinon Nmbers.

If you want to practice your Korean pronunciation, check this link.⬇

   • [LET'S SPEAK KOREAN] Korean Numbers (...  

I provide a writing sheet for you. ⬇


Thank you so much for watching!🙂


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