🔴After Discarding You, Why A Narcissist Gets Bored Of New Supply Very Quickly? | Narcissism | NPD

Описание к видео 🔴After Discarding You, Why A Narcissist Gets Bored Of New Supply Very Quickly? | Narcissism | NPD

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Welcome back everyone, and as always, I wish you all the best. The phenomenon of a Narcissist seeking out and eventually becoming disenchanted with a New Supply is not only common but also quite perplexing for those who find themselves suddenly replaced. When a Narcissist leaves you for someone else, it can feel as though this transition happens abruptly. You might find yourself wondering what exactly transpired. How could they move on so quickly? And yet, as you observe the situation more closely, you might start to notice certain inconsistencies. Perhaps the Narcissist doesn't seem as content as they claim to be, or you might recognize familiar patterns of behavior emerging once again. One question that frequently arises in these scenarios is: How quickly does a Narcissist grow bored of their New Supply? This topic is precisely what we will be exploring in today's video.

In our discussion today, we delve into the subject of the Narcissist and their New Supply. The question at hand is whether a Narcissist truly finds lasting satisfaction with their New Supply. The answer, unequivocally, is no. This dissatisfaction is precisely the reason why they often return to previous relationships. But what drives a Narcissist to pursue a new relationship in the first place? You might wonder, especially if they appeared to be genuinely content and had seemingly moved on. The harsh reality is that this is all a façade. Despite making it seem as though you were the problem and that they have now found unparalleled happiness, the truth is far from this. They might resort to giving you the silent treatment and flaunting their supposed bliss on social media, suggesting they have found their soulmate and are living their best life—all of which is meant to imply that the failure of the relationship was entirely your fault.

However, this behavior is part of a larger deception. It's an illusion crafted by the Narcissist, intended not only to make you doubt yourself but also to convince everyone else that they are blameless while you are at fault. So, when we examine the concept of the New Supply, it's important to understand that this new partner is likely as oblivious as you were at the beginning. They might believe they have found the perfect partner—someone patient, loving, attentive, and capable of meeting all their needs. They see this new relationship as hitting the jackpot, believing they've found their soulmate. Unfortunately, they are likely to experience a harsh reality check eventually. The truth is, a Narcissist doesn't undergo a complete transformation simply because they're in a new relationship. The issues that plagued their previous relationships are likely to resurface, debunking any notion that everything will be different this time around.

The cycle of finding and eventually growing bored with a New Supply is a pattern that repeats itself in the lives of Narcissists. This cycle is not indicative of the New Supply's shortcomings but rather of the Narcissist's inability to maintain healthy, long-term relationships.

"Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel."

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