苏州评弹 莺莺操琴 经典唱段 瑞鸣音乐专辑《评 · 弹》;Suzhou Pingtan ;江浙沪中青年评弹名家齐聚;雅俗共汇的评弹,乃苏州评话和弹词的总称;是一番旧梦重回,也是一意心念再起

Описание к видео 苏州评弹 莺莺操琴 经典唱段 瑞鸣音乐专辑《评 · 弹》;Suzhou Pingtan ;江浙沪中青年评弹名家齐聚;雅俗共汇的评弹,乃苏州评话和弹词的总称;是一番旧梦重回,也是一意心念再起

瑞鸣音乐专辑:《评 · 弹》
Rhymoi Music Album:“Classic Pingtan Songs of Suzhou”
   • Yingying Plays the Qin  

吴侬软语 娓娓动听,轻清柔缓, 抑扬顿挫,伶俐婉转沁人心脾。
The subtle yet soothing melody of southern Chinese “silk and bamboo” music has withstood the test of time, carrying with it hundreds of years of memories and legacies. Just like a gentle breeze on your back on a hot day, or the sound of nothing but the ripples on a pond and the distant chirp of cicadas, pingtan paints a picture of what appears to be simple, but encompasses the natural beauty of the world.

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专辑曲目:Album Tracks
1、《莺莺操琴》 (蒋调) 6:39
Yingying Plays the Qin
2、《长生殿·宫怨》 (俞调) 8:34
Palace Grudge
3、《林冲·误责贞娘》 ( 张调) 6:31
Lin Chong – Breaking Ties
4、《林冲·长亭泣别》 (俞调) 7:50
Lin Chong - Farewell
5、《西厢·请宴》 (严调) 5:45
West Chamber – The Banquet
6、《狸猫换太子》 (徐调) 6:32
The Case of the Civet Crown Prince
7、《玉蜻蜓·庵堂认母》 (蒋、俞调) 9:37
Jade Dragonfly – Yuanzai Meets His Mother
8、《珍珠塔·义激陈琏》 (薛调) 4:42
Pearl Tower – Chen Lian Hears the Truth
9、《长生殿·絮阁争宠》 (杨调) 5:03
Hall of Longevity - Jealousy
10、《红楼梦·潇湘夜雨》 (琴调) 8:00
Dream of the Red Mansion – Evening Rain
11、《王魁负桂英·情探》 (丽调) 4:48
Wang Kui and Guiying – Soul Search


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