Catharsis Keyboard Clear - Celeste Feather Map

Описание к видео Catharsis Keyboard Clear - Celeste Feather Map

I love feather and this was a really fun map by ‪@Khalypso_‬! Especially since it wasn't designed for keyboard, figuring out how to do certain bits was really fun

Play it here:

Start: 00:00
Feather Room 1: 1:06
Feather Room 2: 1:12
Feather Room 3: 2:12
Feather Room 4: 2:22
Feather Room 5: 3:00
Feather Room 6: 3:48
Feather Room 7: 4:16
Feather Room 8: 4:52
Feather Room 9: 5:30
Feather Room 10: 6:32
Feather Room 11: 6:58
Feather Room 12: 10:40


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