Guitar Mic Shootout - AT4050ST, Neumann TLM103, KSM141, MC930, Aston Origin. Ryan Yingst

Описание к видео Guitar Mic Shootout - AT4050ST, Neumann TLM103, KSM141, MC930, Aston Origin. Ryan Yingst

Ryan Yingst "Canary In The Coal Mine" Strum Sound Studio - Guitar Mic Shootout

Some of the setups used two mics to record in stereo, as I might use them in a typical recording session. The tracks are all unprocessed other than a touch of reverb and a limiter on the mix bus.

Guitar Mic Shootout -
#AT4050ST #audiotechnica #neumann #TLM103 #KSM141 #MC930 #AstonOrigin #aston #RyanYingst


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