How to Fix Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag - Search Console Page Indexing (UPDATED)

Описание к видео How to Fix Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag - Search Console Page Indexing (UPDATED)

(UPDATED) Video lesson for troubleshooting and fixing Excluded by 'noindex' tag in Google Search Console Page indexing report. All known options for fixing blocked_by_noindex_tag issues.

Search engines like Googlebot can be blocked indexing a given URL by using noindex directive. Learn more about Block Search indexing with noindex here:

When Google sees a URL marked ‘noindex’ it will NOT place that URL and its contents in Google search index. To fix Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag all you have to do is identify where on the website google is seeing noindex tag and remove it.

There are only 3 places a website can generate noindex directives:
1 using robots meta tag
2 using PHP header("X-Robots-Tag: noindex", true);
3 .htaccess file for apache servers using IfModule mod_headers.c
Header set X-Robots-Tag "noindex"


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