UK Firefighters recall tackling the most dangerous blaze in over 50 years

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The Grenfell Tower tragedy shook Britain to the core and on the front line of the disaster were the heroic firefighters of the London Fire Brigade.

Some of the hero firefighters talk for the first time about the Grenfell fire and their experiences of that tragic night. In never heard before accounts of what happened inside the tower, firefighters describe how they feared it would collapse.

00:00 - Intro to Grenfell Tower fire
02:02 - 999 calls coming in
03:20 - Shocking footage emerges
03:30 - Arrival of firefighters
04:30 - Chaos and panic
05:33 - Bridgehead established
08:49 - Building starts collapsing
09:25 - Falling debris
10:06 - Fire still spreading
11:46 - Aftermath: Devastation and sadness
14:37 - Keeping Londoners safe
15:00 - Busy Control centre
15:15 - Explosion in a block of flats
16:00 - Fire still spreading
16:22 - Evacuation of tenants
17:35 - Firefighters go in
19:04 - Paramedics in action
20:00 - Trained dogs helping
21:00 - Walls on fire
21:13 - Aerial platform in use
21:45 - Alan controls the platform
22:45 - Final search
23:30 - Residents have to leave
24:54 - Various incidents
29:00 - Tram Crash in Croydon
29:40 - Rescue unit mobilised
30:00 - Rescue unit arrives
31:00 - London Mayor arrives
31:30 - Rescuers release trapped bodies
34:40 - Rescue unit leave
35:00 - Bonfire night
35:30 - Fire Brigade receive a call
35:45 - Large fire reported
36:20 - Fire fighters battle at the scene
38:50 - Sending Firefighters in
41:08 - Flames finally dying out
42:00 - Team support
44:47 - Next time
45:00 - Thanks for watching


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