Manchester United F.C. - Old Trafford End of Season Renovations 2024

Описание к видео Manchester United F.C. - Old Trafford End of Season Renovations 2024

After completing 100% of the end of season renovations on all four of the Manchester United sites in 2023, Fineturf were delighted to be appointed once again to conduct works at their Carrington, Littleton Road, The Cliffe and Old Trafford facilities in May 2024.

The surfaces across the four sites are a mixture of Desso GrassMaster, Fibre Sand and sand ameliorated. While this does bring some differences to individual renovation operations, in most instances the first stage was to remove the surface by conducting passes in two directions with the Koro Field Top Maker.

Any remaining debris was then collected by our Trilo SG400 sweeper collector, before seed was sown in four directions using our dimple seeder. Following this, 60-100 tonnes of sports sand was supplied and applied to each pitch.

We then, in most instances, applied 3-4 tonnes of Profile TM Soil Amendment which, together with the sand and seed, was mediated into the profile with aeration work to depths of 180mm.

Where required, additional aeration was conducted with our Toro ProCore at depths of 60mm and at 50mm centres. A further two directions of seed was then sown, before dragmatting was completed in four directions to work the seed into the profile for optimal germination conditions. Finally, 10.0.8 pre-seed fertiliser was applied at a rate of 35g per m2.

The Fineturf operatives worked at speed and with professionalism to maximise the sometimes limited grow-in period, without compromising on the high standards and quality of finish demanded.

We pride ourselves on having worked with Manchester United for over 20 years, supporting them in not just renovations, but ongoing in-season and specialist maintenance and thank them for their ongoing trust and commitment to our team and our services.


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