Aqua-Chem Vapor Compression Distillation for Water for Injection

Описание к видео Aqua-Chem Vapor Compression Distillation for Water for Injection

How is water for Injection produced?
Why is vapor compression distillation so efficient?
Why do you make water for injection with vapor compression distillation?
What makes Aqua-Chem distillation systems different?

Water is employed as ingredient and solvent in many processes, formulations and products. Therefore, International pharmacopoeias (USP, EP, JP) define as Water For Injection (WFI) only the compendial water used as an excipient to parenteral solutions. ISPE defines as:

– Water for Injection in bulk: “Water for the preparation of medicines for parenteral administration when water is used as a vehicle”

WFI is typically produced by Vapor Compression Distillation or Multiple Effect Distillation. As of 2017 and the harmonization of the European Pharmacopeia with the US Pharmacopeia and Japanese Pharmacopeia, purification via reverse osmosis is now a 3rd method for creating WFI.


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