Countryballs - History of Lithuania

Описание к видео Countryballs - History of Lithuania

Welcome to the Canvas Countryballs channel. In this animated video we will analyze the history of Lithuania. Lithuania is a small country in eastern Europe. At first you might think that such a small country does not have any history in principle, but it's not like that! Lithuania has experienced ups and downs, from a great empire to a principality within the Russian Empire. The history of Lithuania begins from ancient times BC. The first Baltic peoples settled on the territory of Lithuania, and Slavs lived nearby. After a while, in 1240, the Baltic and Slavic peoples united into one country - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian. Since the collapse of Kievan Rus, Lithuania has strengthened its influence on these lands, and seized the western territories of Ukraine and Belarus. Lithuania had competitors for the status of a collector of Russian lands, Moscow became it! During the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, there were many wars with the Russian state, the main goal of the war was the city of Smolensk, which both sides considered their own. However, Lithuania was defeated in the last war, and it had to cede part of the land. At that time, not the best of times came to Lithuania, and in 1569 the Polish Kingdom offered Lithuania to conclude a union, under the name of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Since the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Poland has taken the main role as the main country. Poland returned Smolensk and Zaporozhye from Russia and strengthened its influence in the Baltic, destroying the Teutonic Order. However, the greatness did not last long, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was divided. Russia got all the lands of the Lithuanian Principality. Until 1914, Lithuania had no hope of sovereignty, but plans changed, the First World War began, the Germans occupied Lithuania and created a puppet state there. After the collapse of the German Empire, Lithuania gained independence. The Communists came to power in Russia and tried to regain the lost lands, but they failed. In 1939, the Germans annexed Klaipeda, and in 1940 the whole of Lithuania became part of the USSR. The Second World War began, and a pro-Nazi organization, Ostland, was created on the territory of Lithuania. After the war, Lithuania remained part of the USSR, but in 1991 the USSR collapsed and Lithuania gained independence. To this day, it remains the most developed country in the post-Soviet space. And you will learn more in this video
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