CANON PRO 1 PGI 29 Must Know Refilling Tips

Описание к видео CANON PRO 1 PGI 29 Must Know Refilling Tips

There are still plenty of PRO-1 users out there that would love to save tons of many and still attain 90-95% of the quality ( color ) of the very expensive OEM Inks!
In order to do that you will need modified carts which I can provide on my site listed below on the "See More" section.
However to make the process work flawlessly you MUST follow the refilling instructions to the letter.
I have videos covering all aspects of the modification and refilling but here are a few more little hints so you do NOT SCREW IT UP!
I think that hammers the point home!

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If you are thinking about lowering your CANON PRo-1 Printing Costs
Consider buying a set of Premodified PGI-29 Carts for me and refill them with INKS and CHIPS from

Order your carts Here:

Only USA/CANADA. UK and Ireland at this time.

Order INKS & CHIPs Here:
Very soon we will have a fabulous Refilling System for the CANON IPF PRO-1000

Get my Free Multi +Pack of the Best Standard Referrence Images here:


Please watch: "There is a New Change Concerning the PC Signature Edition Option"
   • There is a New Change Concerning the ...  


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