Exploring the lakes around Shall Lake Access Point in Algonquin Park | Day 3

Описание к видео Exploring the lakes around Shall Lake Access Point in Algonquin Park | Day 3

Third day of our canoe trip to Booth Lake and its surroundings. We have visited McCarthy Creek which is a unique place even for such a diverse park as Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. Lots of birds, beaver lodges and dams. On our way back, we stopped by the Kitty Lake Cabin. And another highlight, we finally met our first moose.

00:00 - Day 2 Recap
00:28 - Heading to McCarthy Creek
03:55 - Time to leave
04:43 - Kitty Lake Cabin
06:12 - Moose in Algonquin Park

#canoeing #algonquinpark #ontarioyourstodiscover #camping


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