The Tower Of Babel Began The Great Divorce From God For The Nations

Описание к видео The Tower Of Babel Began The Great Divorce From God For The Nations

We had a fall in Genesis 3. We had a second rebellion in Genesis 6, that was so bad, that permeated humanity so deeply that God sends a flood. After the flood, Noah and his sons emerge from the ark and God repeats the original Edenic mandate; spread out, populate and spread my goodness. So what do they do? They congregate at Babel. And at this point, God has had enough. He divorces humanity. And allot them other members of his council, but they also rebel. God comes to Abraham because he still wants to restore the nations. Babel and the call of Abraham set the stage for the rest of the Old Testament, this is why it's Israel against the nations, and it's Yahweh against the gods. Check it out!


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