
Описание к видео Ahwak—Guan

"Ahwak" - Dancer: Guan
Choreography:Mercedes Nieto
This Classic "Ahwak" has made a new attempt in design, choreography and performance. The dance style is sad with growth, and it has more mature and affectionate taste. From Guan's meaningful and affectionate interpretation of the dance, everyone can really feel her skillful dancing skills and the ability to comprehend the dance. I believe that both dance fans familiar with Guan and audiences who know Guan for the first time will get a surprise.
That is to tell the story in the dance, in the story with the body to convey emotion and content, the interpretation of the mood, the whole dance is particularly unique and meaningful, artistic conception.
Wake up once beautiful, start a new expectation.
With the most sincere performance, convey the deepest understanding.
With the most light mood, tell the most thick story.


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