Mercantile - Morrowind Mechanics

Описание к видео Mercantile - Morrowind Mechanics

In this part of my Morrowind Mechanics guide series we cover everything involving mercantile. This one gets pretty formula heavy as we go through the many formulae used in calculating prices. Towards the end we also go over the two special merchants in Morrowind.


0:28 basics
--- 1:23 moonsugar and skooma
--- 2:42 disposition changes from bartering
--- 3:38 notable, general bugs

4:48 calculating mercantile xp
5:16 calculating item base price
6:44 calculating initial offer
--- 6:53 buying vs selling
--- 7:11 buy and sell rating
------ 7:43 key info
------ 8:31 hard caps
--- 8:53 offer rating and initial offer
9:28 calculating haggle chance
--- 10:16 key info

11:06 other services
--- 11:24 commonly used formulae
--- 12:09 skill training
--- 12:29 fast travel
--- 13:06 equipment repair

13:17 special merchants
--- 13:30 functionality
--- 14:12 merchant 1
--- 14:58 merchant 2
------ 15:28 trivia


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