The Best Plasma Cutter? Cheap to Expensive finally explained - How to choose the right one/winner!

Описание к видео The Best Plasma Cutter? Cheap to Expensive finally explained - How to choose the right one/winner!

In this video we talk about the main differences between cheap, middle of the road and expensive plasma cutters. Focusing on using these for drag cutting and why a proper drag shield is ideal to use, along with our plasma stencils and other cool tools. Starting small and going large, is the Herocut HTC350 35 amp, Hynade Cut 50H amp, Prime Weld Cut 60, Eastwood Versacut 60, Hypertherm PM600 (imagine it's a 45XP), then the king of torches is a Thermal Dynamics with the SL60/100 torch.

Check out our website for more information.

0:00 Intro
1:00 Cheap Machines
2:30 IPT/PT Torches
4:13 Expensive Machines
5:00 Different Consumables
6:00 Stencils & Guides
6:50 Summary


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