I Built a New MEGA BASE (Tour) - Core Keeper

Описание к видео I Built a New MEGA BASE (Tour) - Core Keeper

Hello Everyone,

I have been hard at work for several months on and off to construct a large town base at spawn. While I love our island base the crabs and tentacle monsters got really annoying and would totally kill any animal I bring over. So we moved house, I originally thought it might take a few weeks at most but that turned into months. There was a lot of digging to do and a lot of replacing the ground with grass. There are a lot more buildings than at our old base and these new ones are also way bigger.
I would have done much more but I wanted to get this video out before the new crystal biome update which releases tomorrow.
If you have any ideas on what to build or decorate let me know, and share what your base looks like in the comments!

#gameplay #corekeeper


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