TSBW - Learn To Surf - Nose Ride & Hang Ten

Описание к видео TSBW - Learn To Surf - Nose Ride & Hang Ten

Hi I'm Beau Young 2 x world champion longboarder and I'm here to teach you how to know nose ride!
Before we begin there are two things I want you to pay particular attention to, the first affecting your cross step and second timing your hang ten for the appropriate wave section, and with that in mind let's begin.
Cross step two the hang five position, in this position you will have the majority of your weight on the back foot with five toes over the nose, to perform a hang ten you need to be in a hollow section of the wave next to the breaking section, commonly referred to as being in the pocket.

Looking in front of where you are standing look at the section and when you're in that section shift your back foot up next to your front foot say your perched with ten toes over the nose of the board, your knees will be slightly bent and you'll have rolled most of your weight onto your heels using your hands to counterbalance hold your hands out to your sides like you're walking a tightrope, hold this position for as long as possible.

Once you are comfortable on the nose of the board you can distribute your weight from heel to toe and left to right in order to increase or decrease speed along with altering your positioning on the waves face for maximum hanging time if you feel the tail of the board is slipping you're most likely stuck to high in the waves face or in to hollow of a wave section if your nose is starting to sink is because you are trying to achieve this manoeuvre into flat of a wave section away from the pocket and the power source, if you find yourself sinking the nose step back slow down and reengage with the waves pocket, if you're still having trouble it can be worth checking your equipment and adjusting your fin setup to aid in nose riding typically a single fin is preferable for this manoeuvre due to its width and stability. Personally I find too small a fin to be problematic because the tail of the board can often slide out I would suggest a go to being a larger longboard hatchet fin.

Repeat these steps until you have mastered your nose writing and remember to tune in to our next episode for more helpful tips and tricks


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