Reinventing the wheel

Описание к видео Reinventing the wheel

The relation between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Design Ordering Principles (DOPs) and Actions in the Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM) is profound and interconnected. While the SDGs provide a global framework for addressing critical sustainability challenges, DOPs and Actions in IMM offer a localized approach to achieving these goals within urban contexts.
Each DOP in IMM aligns with specific SDG targets, translating the broader global objectives into actionable principles for urban design and planning. For example, DOPs related to green infrastructure and sustainable urban design contribute to SDG targets related to climate action, sustainable cities, and resilient communities.
Furthermore, IMM's Actions are designed to address specific challenges identified within the SDGs, such as promoting social inclusion, enhancing environmental sustainability, and improving access to essential services. By implementing these actions, cities can make tangible progress toward achieving their SDG targets.
Overall, the relationship between SDG targets and IMM DOPs and Actions underscores the importance of integrating global sustainability objectives into local urban planning processes. By aligning with the SDGs, IMM provides a practical framework for creating more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable cities, one DOP and Action at a time.


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