Spelling List 1

Описание к видео Spelling List 1

Spelling List 1 is an alternative list to use with the "Logic of English Essentials Curriculum" Lesson 1. This spelling list uses words spelled with the A-Z phonograms. However, it is a more advanced list that is appropriate for older students who desire to improve their spelling or learn the Logic of English.

Spelling List 1 is the first in a series of spelling lists. The spelling lists in this series will benefit adult students who desire to improve their spelling and ESL and EFL students who desire to learn the linguistic structure of the language while building vocabulary. The list can also be used as the primary spelling curriculum for upper elementary through high school.

Students using the Logic of English Spelling Lists would benefit from 1) Completing Part 1 of each lesson in the Logic of English Essentials Curriculum and 2) reading "Uncovering the Logic of English" by Denise Eide.



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