How to apply AOS Animation to your HTML, CSS, JS Website

Описание к видео How to apply AOS Animation to your HTML, CSS, JS Website

Unlock the power of web aos animations with our step-by-step guide on applying animations to your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript website! In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the basics of CSS aos animations and JavaScript-powered effects, showing you how to bring your website to life with smooth transitions, eye-catching effects, and interactive elements. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your web development skills, this video has everything you need to create dynamic and engaging user experiences. Join us and learn how to make your website stand out with professional-looking animations!

0:00 - Introduction
0:35 - Get the AOS Animate Library
1:17 - Copy the CDN source links
2:56 - Add AOS animation to the image


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