Sri Suktam | With Lyrics & Meaning (Vedic Chants)

Описание к видео Sri Suktam | With Lyrics & Meaning (Vedic Chants)

#VedamChanting #VedicHymns #Vedam #SriSathyaSai

Varalakshmi is one who grants all the boons that women pray for. She confers on women all the eight types of wealth. Noble women like Savitri, Damayanti, Chandramati and Sumati accomplished mighty tasks only due to the grace of Varalakshmi. Worship of Varalakshmi confers wealth, prosperity and bliss. – Sri Sathya Sai

Sri Suktam is found in Atharva Veda and also appears as a supplement to Rig Veda. Originally it was only 16 verses and the remaining 11 or so are presumably from other Upanishads.

This powerful mantra in adoration of Mother Lakshmi invokes Her grace and blessings so that the chanter and the listener are blessed alike with peace and prosperity. This mantra not only bestows a long, healthy and wealthy life here but also in the life hereafter.

SSSMC is pleased to offer the lyrics of Sri Suktam with the meaning, to help each one to win the grace of the Divine Mother.

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For the lyrics & meaning text -

Vidic Chants Playlist -    • Vedic Chants  

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