Scenic Sky Lift to Natural Bridge - Red River Gorge - Kentucky

Описание к видео Scenic Sky Lift to Natural Bridge - Red River Gorge - Kentucky

A great ride up the Scenic Sky Lift in the Red River Gorge area of Kentucky to see the Natural Bridge. Lost footage here folks.. Took this trip years ago and ran across this video I made but never posted it to You Tube. We took a trip to the Red River Gorge area of Kentucky to stay at a cabin in the area. We visited this Scenic Sky Lift and it was such a beautiful area to experience and the Sky Lift was amazing to ride up and back..

A little more about the area:

Since 1967, the Skylift at Natural Bridge State Resort Park has provided visitors the opportunity to experience some of natures most awe-inspiring handiwork. Located amidst the scenic and world renown Daniel Boone Natural Forest and Red River Gorge Geological Area, the Skylift takes you on a mile journey through a spectacular mountain scenery.

Once at the top, you are within easy walking distance of over 900 tons of sandstone molded by nature into a 30-ft wide sidewalk now known as Natural Bridge. A right turn from the top platform takes you on a 1200ft scenic footpath to Lookout Point, a magnificent viewing area and the best place to photograph Natural Bridge.



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