"Yohahí:yo (The Good Road)" - Margaret Park School (The Parkies)

Описание к видео "Yohahí:yo (The Good Road)" - Margaret Park School (The Parkies)

We are 2 music classes of Grades 4 and 5 of Margaret Park School taught by Ms. Jane Male. In our class, students love to explore different musical instruments including Indigenous musical instruments from the Philippines (bungkaka, tongatong etc.) Our classes are filled with many unique personalities. We are music lovers, sporty people, crafty, lively, energetic people and are passionate about everything we do. We ask questions, we are serious, sarcastic, silly sometimes but always engaged in learning. We chose “Yohahi:yo (The Good Road) song because we are dreamers and will never give up easily. We are strong...together!

For more information about the Canadian Music Class Challenge please visit: http://cbcmusic.ca/musicclass


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