How visualisation can help you fall pregnant

Описание к видео How visualisation can help you fall pregnant

Ok before you write off this video as woo woo rubbish, I’d like you bear with me for a second.

If you’ve been trying to conceive for a few months, or perhaps even years. Or if you’ve lost a baby or are having to go through IVF then the chances are you’re feeling a certain level of stress and anxiety about the whole thing.

I think when we first start trying to conceive we use positive visualisation naturally.

We imagine that moment when we will see our baby.

We imagine when we'll see those two pink links on the little stick.

We imagine telling our family and friends.

We imagine our belly growing big.

We imagine all the little clothes.

We feel really positive about the whole thing and essentially this IS visualisation. We're thinking about the future visualising how we want it to go, and in doing so we allow our body to feel all of the great feelings and emotions that come with those thoughts.

We feel excitement and we feel love. We feel ALL of those good feelings that the image in our head creates for us.

But if you don't fall pregnant straight away and you're starting to question and doubt whether you're able to fall pregnant at all, or you've had year of struggle with infertility -  you've probably stopped imagining all of these positive scenarios.

Instead your thoughts are probably focused more towards the negative and protecting your heart from more disappointment by always imagining the worst.

I know for me, when we started trying again after our first loss, I really struggled to imagine a positive outcome. Each two week wait I was already convinced it was going to be negative. Thinking this way just made me feel stressed out, and anxious and all the other negative feelings that go along with it - sadness, grief, hopelessness...

I didn't know it at the time but those feelings were flooding my body with stress hormones and making the whole process of trying to fall pregnant even harder.

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28 Day fertility yoga course -

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Yoga equipment I use:
Jade yoga mat -
Block -
Bolster -
Favourite tights -

What I use to film:
Canon M50 -
Softbox lights -
Lapel microphone -
On camera microphone -


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