Project Blue Collar: Complete 5.0L Mustang Ignition Upgrade (Fox Body)

Описание к видео Project Blue Collar: Complete 5.0L Mustang Ignition Upgrade (Fox Body)

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Project Blue Collar, our latest project Fox Body Mustang, was in grave need of a new upgraded ignition system. After completing the fuel system upgrades and restoration, we found that Blue Collar had a TFI module issue.

This gave us the perfect opportunity to upgrade to our Fox Body High Performance Ignition Kit. This kit features a whole host of performance ignition parts from PDI. These inlude:

PDI 5.0L Mustang Hot Forged Distributor
PDI 5.0L Livewire Spark Plug Wires
PDI 5.0L Screamin' Demon Ignition Coil
Taylor Spark Plug Wire Separators

This kit is the perfect replacement for any Fox Body Mustang experiencing ignition problems or has a worn out ignition system. It is the perfect foundation for a future performance modifications. You can expect smoother idles, improved throttle response and improved spark performance. It fits 86-95 Ford Mustangs with 5.0L/5.8L V8.

Click the link above to purchase this kit and get more information!!

Ford Mustang - 1986 (86) - 1987 (87) - 1988 (88) - 1989 (89) - 1990 (90) - 1991 (91) - 1992 (92) - 1993 (93)

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