Shining 3D EinScan HX In-Depth Review: Industrial-Grade Digitization

Описание к видео Shining 3D EinScan HX In-Depth Review: Industrial-Grade Digitization

Hi everyone! This is Top 3D Shop, and in this video, we’ll tell you about the Shining 3D Einscan HX 3D scanner.

Having been in the industry for almost 18 years, Shining 3D has established itself as a manufacturer of high-quality 3D scanning equipment. In addition, the company develops and maintains user-friendly and functional software tailored for its scanners. The products are designed by the company’s headquarters in China along with its branches in the United States and Germany. Although not the most expensive model, the Einscan HX definitely belongs to the professional segment of 3D scanners and the expectations for such a device can be very high. Now, you are welcome to learn about the scanner itself, its features and specifics of use, as well as look at some actual scans we made.

The Einscan HX coped with all the tasks without any problems. Its capabilities are quite in line with the declared specs. The model seems to have only two shortcomings. The first is the difficulties in scanning small objects. Still, we did manage to scan a part much smaller than the minimum declared size. But it would be hard to scan some jewelry, for instance. And the second drawback is perhaps the lack of auto scanning mode using the turntable. The whole process is carried out by hand.

The advantages of the scanner are much more numerous. The most important of them is its versatility. The device offers enough scanning modes to solve almost any task. The EXScan software is convenient, simple, and intuitive. It works fine and stable, but it does require a very powerful computer. The laser mode allows for easy scanning of black and shiny objects without the need to matte them. Of course, it has some limitations, too — for example, you will need matting spray when scanning a completely mirror or transparent surface. A built-in color camera enables you to scan textures without any additional equipment. And there’s a lot more. In other words, the Einscan HX really impressed us.


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