The President: December 1968. MP903.

Описание к видео The President: December 1968. MP903.

President Lyndon B. Johnson in December 1968. MP 903. Public domain.

This film is from the LBJ Library moving picture collection created by the White House Naval Photographic Unit, aka the Navy Films. The films consist of monthly reports on the activities of President and Mrs. Johnson from 1963-1969.

Below is an edited scene list for this film, from the LBJ Library audiovisual archives. We included useful shot descriptions where possible, although most have been cut for length. For more information please contact [email protected].

Christmas decorations, lighting of National Christmas Tree, 12/16/1968; White House Party for underprivileged children, 12/18/1968
?, Luci Johnson Nugent, Lyn Nugent, Lady Bird Johnson sitting
Wide shot National Christmas Tree, crowd gathered

The Johnson Administration prepares for the Nixon Administration
White House exterior
Construction underway for Nixon inauguration
Cabinet meeting discussing transition of Administrations, 12/4/1968
President-elect. Richard Nixon, Pat Nixon, Trisha Nixon visit White House; Richard Nixon, LBJ, Walt Rostow, Henry Kissinger meet in White House Oval Office, 12/12/1968

LBJ meets with the Quadriad economic advisory group, White House Cabinet Room, 12/12/1968
Martin, Zwick, Okun seated in Cabinet Room

LBJ awards Enrico Fermi award to Dr. John Wheeler; Dr. Glenn Seaborg commended; White House Treaty Room, 12/2/1968
Fade to LBJ in White House East Room with Dr. Wheeler, Dr. Seaborg, zoom in

Apollo 7 & Apollo 8 astronauts sign document for Treaty Room at Dinner for Space Program, White House Treaty Room, 12/9/1968
Dissolve to LBJ, astronauts, Lady Bird Johnson, V.P. Hubert Humphrey, James Webb in White House Treaty Room
Close-up Walter Schirra
Medium shot V.P. Hubert Humphrey, James Webb
?, Charles Lindbergh signs document

Apollo 8 Lunar orbital mission, 12/21-27/1968
Apollo 8 astronauts, rocket preparing, liftoff

Apollo 8 in space, footage of Apollo cabin, moon surface, reading of Genesis by astronauts
Wide shot Earth from orbit, tilt down
Men at Mission Control, zoom out

Apollo 8 returns to Earth, splashdown recovery with helicopter

LBJ speaking with Apollo 8 astronauts on telephone, 12/27/1968

LBJ sitting for bust by sculptor Robert Berks, 12/6/1968

LBJ reflects on his record of achievements as President
LBJ talks about Housing Act of 1968, 12/14/1968 (Austin Oaks Housing Projects)
LBJ's remarks at Pres. Commission for the Observance of the Human Rights Year 1968, International Conference Room, 12/4/1968
LBJ remarks at Report of the National Advisory Commission of Health Facilities, White House East Room, 12/12/1968
Dissolve to LBJ speaking at podium, zoom out?, Sec. Wilbur Cohen

Lady Bird Johnson's Beautification activities
Lady Bird Johnson at new fountain, Hains Point, 12/17/1968
Final meeting of the Beautification Committee, White House Yellow Room, 12/17/1968
Dissolve to LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall in White House

Lady Bird Johnson talks about First Ladies' duties, Pat Nixon; Lady Bird Johnson receives Eleanor Roosevelt Candlestick Award, Women's Press Club dinner, 12/2/1968

Chamizal U.S.-Mexico Boundary Change ceremonies, El Paso, Texas, 12/13/1968
Dissolve to LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson, others debarking Air Force One
LBJ, Pres. Diaz Ordaz? talking
? with 2 dogs: Blanco and Yuki

Cabinet meeting on Middle East crisis and status of Vietnam War talks (with synch sound)
Medium shot Sec. Dean Rusk, LBJ at table, Sec. Dean Rusk briefing LBJ
Close-up Sec. Clark Clifford, zoom out Cab members listening, pan right LBJ, Amb. Harriman

Medal of Honor ceremony, awarded posthumously to first African-American officer, Capt. Riley Pitts, White House Oval Office, 12/10/1968
Dissolve to ?, Gen. Wheeler, Sec. Clark Clifford in Oval Office
Medium shot Mrs. Pitts, LBJ in Oval Office

State Visit of Shaikh Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait, 12/11/1968
Welcoming ceremonies, full military honors, White House South Lawn
LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson exiting White House South, Sec. Dean Rusk greets, ? greets

Preparation for State Dinners: White House florists, White House calligraphers, White House Social Secretary
Dissolve to Medium shot Tyler Abel (White House Social Secretary)

Table layouts, White House chefs preparing dinner, piano being tuned
Guests arrive at White House, Emir of Kuwait arrives, White House protocol ceremonies
State Dinner, LBJ speaks at dinner
White House entertainment for State Dinner, performers singing
Dissolve to Robert Merrill singing

Emir departs White House, party in White House continues; LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson dancing

Christmas Eve in White House Yellow Room, 12/24/1968
Dissolve to Point of view from walking into White House Yellow Room with presents, LBJ family
LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson, Lynda Johnson Robb, Lyn Nugent in Yellow Room
Medium shot Lady Bird Johnson
Medium shot Lynda Johnson Robb with Lucinda Robb

Soldiers in Vietnam celebrate Christmas


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