Motion Picture Soundtrack | Sybarite5

Описание к видео Motion Picture Soundtrack | Sybarite5

From the Radiohead Remixed Project. Played by Sybarite5: Sami Merdinian, violin; Sarah Whitney, violin; Angela Pickett, viola; Laura Metcalf, cello; Louis Levitt, double bass at the Kosmos in Albuquerque, NM on July 25, 2010.

Motion Picture Soundtrack would have been a relatively simple arrangement had it not been for the harp playing in the second half of the song. The violins have been given the role of the harps, and although the intended effect is that of freeness and spontaneity, every note they play is in fact notated in their parts. The last line of the lyrics, "I will see you in the next life," sets the tone for the entire song, which has an air of religious solemnity; the ascending modulations in the violins at the end certainly imply a sense of spiritual ascension. Yet the song also reveals a lifetime of personal pain and disillusionment, captured in the primary melodies of the double bass and cello.


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