Third Anniversary Special on Letterman, January 26, 1985

Описание к видео Third Anniversary Special on Letterman, January 26, 1985

David Letterman's third anniversary show, taped January 24, 1985, and aired two nights later in SNL's time slot. With Vince McMahon and Bob Costas in two Manhattan hospitals waiting for the first baby born during the show's taping.

The expectant mother, Mary Feury, emailed a friend in 2004 about her experience when her son Sean was born:

We were at NY Hospital on Jan. 24, 1985 and I was in labor when [my husband] John said they were doing "something" on new parents. I told him he could do whatever he wanted, but nobody better come in the labor room. I had been in "false" labor for days.

As it turned out, it was David Letterman's 3rd anniversary show. The first baby to be born at NYH or Lenox Hill Hospital would be the "Late Night Baby." Sean then became the "Late Night Baby" when as they said, "Mrs. Feury is in overdrive and it looks like she will deliver the next baby," John was interviewed by Vince McMahon and a woman came into the delivery room and took a polaroid of Sean and me that was shown at the end of the show.

It was aired two days later during the Saturday Night Live time slot at 11:30 on Saturday. We got calls from people all over the country who saw the show. … Sean won a bunch of gifts, etc.

We were contacted a few months later to see if they could do a show at our house and have Dave babysit Sean, but we said no.* Later, we were told that the show was "international" as it had been sold to British TV. Thus, as Andy Warhol once said, "Everyone has their own 15 minutes of fame." (Or something like that!) I think that was it for John and me. Who knows what will happen with Sean. He surprises us all the time

[end quote]

*The reason they turned down the invite for Dave to babysit a few months later was because their house was in the middle of renovation, with "plastic sheeting, dust, etc. everywhere."

Today Sean is 35.


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