Q&A: World War 3, Hell, Eternal Suffering, Free Will, & Halachic Process - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Описание к видео Q&A: World War 3, Hell, Eternal Suffering, Free Will, & Halachic Process - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Q&A with Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz

00:00 - How do we know who to pasken like when there are two opinions?

09:58 If I don’t have a siddur at the time of davening and I don’t know it by heart, what should I do?

21:15 - If someone says hello to you in prayer when and how can you respond

26:00 What about handshake and during krias ha torah?

31:45 - Are these halachas of sichas chullin still relevant?

33:40 - Someone is suffering and suspects he is being punished for his sins. Is it possible to sin without having consequences?

42:00 Is it possible to have eternal suffering (beyond 12 months)?

44:10 - An Acharon says there would be two world wars and then a war of emunah. Are we in the war of emunah now?

47:50 - Why is it not tzanuah for a girl to play sports or perform or speak in front of a public/mixed crowd while it is not considered problematic for a boy”

57:00 - How were Bnei Yisroel not circumcised in the desert? It says in Sefer Yehoshua that they were circumcised when crossing the yarden.

59:30 - Examples that God exists and Torah is true

1:08:50 - Does morality exist outside of society?

1:09:30 - What about the truth of Torah?

1:14:00 - Why does Torah talk about sacrifices and cehunah and not middos or shabbos?

1:19:15 - There has been criticism of chassidus that there is too much of a cult of personality

1:20:10 - We take free-will for granted but there is debate in rishonim about existence of free-will. Is it fundamental to Judaism?

1:28:15 - Why would G-d create where so many people do not acknowledge him?

1:29:40 - Should I have a double head covering and why do I point the pinky during hagbah?

1:32:00 - Do I have to worry about giving a Jew food that he will not bracha on?

1:35:40 - What about Birchas HaTorah, can I teach him Torah?

1:37:05 - Could teacher say the bracha and motzei the student?

1:38:00 - If someone claims a book is divine can it be true if it has contradictions?

We hope you enjoy this video: Q&A - What is Hell & Who Goes There-Artificial Intelligence Beards & Judaism Who's Worse Pharaoh or Hitler

** DIVINE WISDOM - Live a Better Life ** Welcome to our new channel. Our goal is to help people learn how they can live a better life, with true meaning and purpose according to God’s wisdom as it is taught through the prophets in the Bible. We believe that God's Wisdom originally given to the Jewish People at Mount Sinai is for all people to benefit from; and together we can all make this world perfect, dwelling together in peace and brotherly love. We are approaching the Messianic Era, when all peoples will see God and serve Him together through His true prophets and chosen leaders.

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Here are some of the Rabbis we will be presenting: Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser Rabbi Yitzchak Botton Rabbi Gavrien Friedman Rabbi Akiva Tatz Rabbi Manis Friedman Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Rabbi Yaron reuven Rabbi Alon Anava Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many more

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